We provide a wide range of mechanical parts for each sector thanks to a constantly updated and cutting-edge machine park. TMT is in step with the times to be on the side of its customers.
Founded in 1974, TMT has continuously evolved by renewing its fleet of machines. Over the years, we have gained great experience, and today we are a modern precision mechanical factory.
Our Mission is to create unique products, intended to represent the unbeatable artisan quality, based on the work philosophy of the past. We believe in respecting the dignity of people and their noble work.
We also strongly believe in the continuous improvement of our performances: internal organization, lean workflows, more advanced machines, qualified and always updated Staff.
Innovation and attitude to change, that’s what allows us to face any challenge and always be an added value for our customers.

Come and visit us, we will be present from 23rd to 25th May at Fiere di Parma exhibition centre

Come visit us at MECFOR 2023, we will be present from 23rd to 25th May at the Parma Fiere exhibition centre in Parma
Thanks to our experience and our artisan know-how, we are able to serve the most varied sectors, in Italy and abroad. We work for the mechano-textiles, naval sectors, and we supply components of electronic machines, machine tools and valves. We are also specialized in the construction of parts for electrospindles.
Thanks to a 4-axis and 5-axis CNC machine park, always renewed to keep up with new technologies, we are able to supply a wide range of mechanical parts. From prototype to actual production, we create small and medium-sized turned, milled and ground parts.
We specialize in surface treatments, heat treatments and mechanical machining on cast iron, case-hardening and tempering steel, aluminium, stainless steel, brass and bronze.
The reduction of machine downtime for the set-up, imposed by the need for market flexibility, has led us to design and build both the standard equipment and the specific equipment for each process within the company. We also find the best tools to support processing and management, like off-line programming systems, CAD / CAM, MRP and scheduler.

Textile machines, boats, contruction, PCB machines, valves, machine tools.

Cast iron, steel, stainless steel, aluminium, brass, bronze.

Turnes, milled and grinded parts of small and medium size in small and medium quantities.
Write to info@tmtsolutions.it
Call us on 0321 636007 or fill out the form
To improve productivity, reduce downtime, increase profits and save money, we provide the ideal software for every need: CamLink for Windows® By Griffo Brothers Inc.
This package allows you to manage the transfer of Part Programs from PC to Mazak and to archive them quickly and safely thanks to the potential of Windows. It also allows you to attach any type of document or image to each Part Program (machining cycles, construction drawings, images of the clamping system, etc.) through .rtf files
The Data Entry package allows you to create and modify Part Programs, check profiles and simulate processing on your PC while the Mazak is working. It is compatible with 640M, M +, M32, M2 and 640T, T +, T32, T2 / T3 controls
The Geo Entry package allows you to import the geometric data of profiles from a 2D CAD system, facilitating the creation of part programs. It is compatible with 640M, M +, M32, M2 controls